Street name fixed


Mitchell Shire Council has rectified an odd street naming anomaly in Kilmore, with Junction Road being renamed John Street to ensure the road has one continuous name throughout.

John Street begins at Kilmore-Lancefield Road in the south before becoming Junction Road for 100 metres before it intersects with Highgate Road and Murray Street.

There is no distinguishable separation between John Street and Junction Road with the entire stretch being unsealed, making the different sections hard to identify.

No existing property addresses are impacted by the change, which will allow for accurate and logical allocation of addresses to four proposed properties that will front the affected section.

Council will now submit the recommendation for the agreed road name change to the Office of Geographic Place Names for registration in the Victoria Government Gazette and, upon registration of the name change, issue a public notice in local newspapers and update relevant signage.

The motion was passed unanimously at the October 19 council meeting.