Regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne will become one once again at 11.59pm on November 8 after Premier Daniel Andrews announced yesterday a major easing of restrictions for the state’s capital.
The 25-kilometre travel restriction and the ‘ring of steel’ around Melbourne will be removed while restrictions will be aligned across the entire state.
Melbourne will move to the third step as of 11.59pm tonight, with hospitality and retail workers preparing to re-open. Melburnians will no longer have any restrictions on reasons to leave the house and will be able to visit pubs, restaurants and cafes with limits of 20 people indoors and 50 people outdoors with group limits of 10.
An announcement regarding the permitted number of visitors to homes is expected today.
For regional areas, libraries and pools are among many facilities to reopen for the first time in months.
Regional Victoria’s eased restrictions, to come into effect from 11.59pm tonight, with greater capacity limits for hospitality businesses, gyms reopening, and school graduations able to go ahead.
Regional indoor gyms and fitness spaces will be able to open for up to 20 people with a maximum of 10 per space and a density limit of one person per eight square metres.
Regional hospitality venues can now have up to 40 patrons indoors with a cap of 10 per space subject to density requirements of one person per four square metres, and up to 70 patrons outside subject to a one person per two square metres density quotient.
Religious gatherings have also been expanded, with up to 20 people able to gather indoors or up to 50 outdoors.
Grade six and year 12 graduations will be permitted within the existing grade cohort with only staff and students allowed to attend, while family can watch via a live stream.
Victoria recorded zero new cases and zero deaths yesterday for the first time since early June.
Libraries across Mitchell Shire and in Romsey re-opened yesterday with limits.
Indoor pools in Kyneton and Gisborne reopened Thursday as indoor pools are now allowed to open to a maximum of 20 people regardless of age. Mitchell Shire indoor pools in Kilmore and Seymour will open on Wednesday for lap swimming, recreational swimming and aqua play.
Mitchell Shire Leisure Services is preparing to restart learn to swim classes soon with expressions of interest now open.