Theatre awards move online

Joyce Baker-Dawber encourages performers to enter this year’s Georgy Awards online for its Three Minute MonoComp.

CANCELLATION of community theatre productions due to COVID-19 restrictions has inspired the Georgy Awards Association to move proceedings online.

The committee has announced its Three Minute MonoComp, which asks writers and performers to create and perform a monologue which they will present to the association.

A panel of judges will assess the entries, determine finalists, and decide on a winner.

Association president Joyce Baker-Dawber said given the state of the arts at present, it was important artists were urged to keep creating for social and mental health benefits.

“We felt it was important to keep the theatrical groups and schools in our Georgy catchment area engaged and to offer something fun and creative to do, as we don’t know how long the live performance sector will be affected by COVID-19,” she said.

“The Three Minute MonoComp is giving a platform for new and interesting ideas, concepts and skill sets to people.

“There are categories for junior secondary, senior secondary and an open, over 20, to allow writers and performers to compete in their respective peer age groups.”

People who feel they are missing either acting or writing in their creative process can team up with other creators.

“Who knows what kind of wonderful entries we will receive, it might even be the start of some new hobby for someone or a brand-new creative team that would not have paired up in other instances,” Ms Baker-Dawber said.

“The committee are very excited to see what we attract.”

Creative minds can also look forward to the opening of submissions for the Goulburn Murray Credit Union Emerging Young Artist Grant of $2000, which is offered to VCE, or equivalent, students and the performing arts community in the region.

The GMCU Emerging Young Artist Grant is presented to a recipient to further their studies in the performing arts field and is open to students who are pursuing a career on or offstage.

“It’s not just about the performers you see on stage, acting and singing. We know there is a large amount of fantastic students who make magic offstage too, from lighting to stage management or costume design, the criteria allows for diversity, which is what community theatre is all about,” Ms Baker-Dawber said.

For more information on the Three Minute MonoComp and the GMCU Emerging Young Artist, visit or email