Tuesday, October 8, 2024
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Prepare a fire plan

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The North Central Review
The North Central Reviewhttps://ncreview.com.au/
The North Central Review is an independently owned newspaper publishing company based in Kilmore that is responsible for publishing two community newspapers each week, covering communities within the Mitchell Shire

With bushfires continuing to rage across south-eastern Australia, Mitchell Shire Council is urging residents to be fire-ready and have a plan.

The council reminded residents of that bushfire survival plans were critical to all households across the shire.

And for those you already have a fire plan, the council advises people to re-visit those plans to make sure they are current and can be acted on.

Mitchell Shire Mayor David Lowe said everyone living, working or visiting the Mitchell Shire should have a fire plan.

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“Leaving early is crucial to your safety for you, your family and your animals. Heed warnings and listen to the CFA,” he said.

“We are well into summer, but it is important for people to continue to review and revise their bushfire survival plans.

“So that if anything does happen, you will know what to do when you’re and your animals are at risk of fire. Just as every family or household is unique, every fire plan will be different.”

Cr Lowe said important information would be updated in real-time via the VicEmergency App, so people should download the App to stay up to date.

“I strongly advise people download the VicEmergency App and stay up to date with all alerts issued by the CFA. And most importantly, leave early,” he said.

Important details to consider in fire plans include looking after pets, keeping across emergency alerts and updates, and knowing where Bushfire Places of Last Resort – Neighbourhood Safer Places were located.

The following locations are Neighbourhood Safer Places:

Broadford: Harley Hammond Reserve Oval and car park, bounded by Hamilton, Gavan and Powlett streets.

Kilmore: Kilmore Racing Club, bitumen car park and overflow grass carpark, J Kelly Pavilion, East Street. Trackside Function Centre is not an NSP.

Pyalong: Recreation Reserve Hall, Pyalong Recreation Reserve Building, Northern Highway near corner of West Road.

Seymour: Chittick Park Oval, Pollard Street.

Tallarook: CWA Park, Corner Main Street (Upper Goulbourn Road) and Railway Place.
Tooborac: Recreation Reserve Public Hall, Northern Highway.

Wallan: Hadfield Park, bounded by Northern Highway, Wallan-Whittlesea Road, Windham Street and Queen Street.

Cr Lowe said the best way to support people in fire-affected areas was by a monetary donation through www.vic.gov.au/bushfireappeal.

“I would like to thank our local emergency services and DELWP staff for their considerable work supporting Mitchell Shire and the wider community. They are real-life superheroes and we cannot thank them enough,” he said.

For more information can be found on Mitchell Shire Council’s and the CFA’s websites.

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