THE KILMORE Show is back in town for the 157th year on Saturday, with horse and dog shows, farm yard trials, a fleece competition and many other attractions to entertain families.
But a real attraction that is set to pull in the crowds is 16-year old Willowmavin whip-cracker Kiera Buzza.
Kiera has been traveling around Australia demonstrating, competing and teaching others the dying art.
“I’m really trying to bring more people into it. I enjoy whip cracking because it is something different,” she said.
“There’s always another level and not many people know about it which makes it something I can teach others.”
Kiera said she started a club with her sister called the West Side Whip Crackers to coach people in whip-cracking and attend competitions together.
The sisters got into whip-cracking after finding an old whip at their grandad’s house.
“From there, we found a mentor and many families within the whip-cracking world who were more than happy to teach us lots of different tricks,” Kiera said.
She said an impressive performance will be put on at the Kilmore Show.
“We’ll have three other amazing whip-crackers with me – we’ll then be teaching anybody who wants to learn,” Kiera said.
The Kilmore Show will be at Kilmore racecourse on Saturday, from 9.30 am to 4.30pm.
There will be a free treasure trail for the first 100 children, a free bucking bull challenge, a children’s farm, face-painting, rides and show bags, plus a large exhibition of of show entries including cooking, craft, photography and gardening categories.
Entry is free for those under 18. More details can be found at