Next phase for Wallara Waters


PHASE Two of the Wallara Waters development plan in Wallan has been given the green light by council, on the condition that proper drainage strategies are kept in place and environmental factors are considered.

The estate has a total site area of 200 hectares and abuts the Hume Freeway to the west, Hadfield Road Reservation to the south, Wallan Wastewater Treatment Plan, Newbridge Estate to the east and Wallan-Whittlesea Road to the north.

Phase two comprises of 90.13 hectares, which will be used for residential purposes, drainage services, a future primary school and also unencumbered reserves.

At last week’s council meeting, Cr David Atkinson agreed to the plans while acknowledging the complexities of building the estate over a swamp.

“I don’t like this development full stop. I’ve heard it being referred to as Wallara Underwaters,” he said.

“There’s a reason why the Hume Freeway didn’t go over it because of the swamp, we have to continue working with Melbourne Water to ensure continued drainage.”

Cr Annie Goble added the development was inappropriate and an inherited problem from the previous council.

She said that early settlers had historically noted the swamp was wet even in the hottest days of December.

“It’s sad that the area has been developed. Let’s hope we have positive outcomes and continue to work with Melbourne Water and Yarra Valley Water, even to slightly restore Herne Swamp,” Cr Goble said.

Residential subdivision will start within the estate at 40 Macsfield Road, Wallan.