By Jackson Russell
Construction on a proposed $14 million property development at Wallan East is likely to start within 12 months after being given the green light by Mitchell Shire Council.
The development at 21 Station Street, the site of the old Rattlers Hotel, will include 32 apartments, four shops, two cafes, a micro-brewery and a supermarket with attached bottle shop across three buildings.
The development also includes the construction of the necessary service utilities, car parking and internal roads, as well as landscaping treatments throughout the site.
South Ward councillor David Lowe said the development was exciting and would add to the greater Wallan community.
“It provides a difference in accommodation that doesn’t exist in Wallan,” he said.
The planning permit was unanimously approved after Cr Rhonda Sanderson attempted an alteration to have the proposed tavern close at 11pm every night of the week was defeated.
The approved planning permit will allow the sale of alcohol between 12pm and 11pm Monday to Thursday and Sunday with extended hours of 12pm to 1am on Friday and Saturday.
Cr Sanderson said she thought 11pm was a good enough time to finish and being open until 1am wasn’t necessary.
Cr Lowe disagreed, saying the residents who move into the immediate area would know the tavern’s hours and do not need protecting.
Whiteman Property and Associates project manager Arun Broadhurst said there was a good collaborative effort with council and officers.
“Council put us through our paces, as they should, but we answered most of their questions which allowed them to give us the approval,” he said.
“I think the collaborative process, working with council proactively, their input improved the while project so it was really positive from our perspective.”
Mr Broadhurst said developers hoped construction would begin in the next year.
“We’ll go into building licence documentation shortly and we have to secure the tenants but we hope we’ll be ready to turn soil within the next 12 months,” he said.
“We’re really excited about the project, we think it’s a catalyst project for the broader area and can service the future catchment as well as for existing residents that commute from Wallan station.”