New boss for Wallan Primary School


One of Wallan Primary School’s student leaders was able to take the reins and become principal for a day last week.

Zoe Green was selected for the job after applying, along with her fellow student leaders, and going through the recruitment process including a job interview with principal Ann Stevens.

Zoe said she took part in many of Ms Stevens’ day-to-day activities.

Wallan Primary School student leader Zoe Green during her day as principal with principal Ann Stevens.

“My first job on Tuesday morning was to do yard duty and open the gates in Queen Street, my second job was to mark out the new position of the advertising board at the front of the school,” she said.

“Before I knew it, it was morning recess and I went to the staff room and had morning tea with the teachers.

“After recess I did uniform checks. I gave out hundreds of gold tickets, most of the kids were wearing full school uniform.

“I was introduced in every classroom as Miss Green the principal, and all of the students said good morning to me. This was a really great part of the day because it was fun visiting the classrooms and seeing some of my friends.

“The things I liked most were when I got to visit the classrooms and hand out gold tickets to everyone and when I got to eat in the staff room with all of the teachers.”

Ms Stevens said becoming principal for the day gave an insight into the adult world.

“The kids get the opportunity to be confident, to step up outside their comfort zone and see the school from a different perspective,” she said.

“The students like to see one of their peers doing different things around the school so it’s just one of those really nice things.”