EXPRESSIONS of Interest to speak and exhibit at the 2019 Loddon Mallee organics recovery information series for the horticulture industry are now open.
Following on from the success of the 2018 event, the 2019 information series returns and will once again be hosted by the Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group (LMWRRG) in partnership with Sustainability Victoria (SV).
The 2019 event will be held on Wednesday 1 May 2019 in Mildura.
The organics recovery information series for the horticulture industry is a unique opportunity for business and industry to share information about the better management of organics waste and increasing its recovery for reprocessing into higher value products for reuse.
Expressions of Interest are now invited for both speakers and exhibitors to present on the following topic areas – existing and emerging technologies, soil health, end product users, biosecurity and investment opportunities.
Apply by Wednesday, February 13 to speak or exhibit. Visit