Discover the old line


A BOOK detailing the old Lancefield-Kilmore railway line was launched at the Old Railway Station bed and breakfast on Saturday, July 14.

Authors of A Pictorial Guide to the Long Lost Lancefield and Kilmore Railway, Bob Tomkins and Kylie McKay designed the book to be used, rather than just read.

“It’s specifically designed to use and go and look at the line,” Mr Tomkins said.

“The idea of the book is using GPS or Kylie’s maps or our verbal descriptions and that will take you to good places to look at the railway line. We’d really like families to go out, it’s an outdoor activity and that’s why the Geocaching locations are all family friendly.”

There’s been a fantastic response to the book already, with nearly the entire first run sold a week after the launch.

“We have enough for the book signing but none for anything else. We printed 185 and we think there’s a danger of running out before the book signing so that’s why we’re trying really hard to get some more for the book signing,” Mr Tomkins added.

All proceeds from the book will go directly back into the Romsey Lancefield Historical Society, where Ms McKay is vice president.

While neither received any payment beyond a free copy of the book, Ms McKay said the experience was payment enough.

“[It was about] the experience of actually travelling the line and having detailed looks into things that other people won’t get to see,” she said.

Mr Tomkins and Ms McKay will be holding a book signing on Saturday, July 28 at Red Door Books during the Lancefield Farmers Market and invite anyone interested to come along.