LANCEFIELD is one of the towns being looked at as part of a heritage study being undertaken by the Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
The study will review sites of heritage significance in Lancefield, Woodend, Macedon and Mount Macedon.
Council said the study is a positive step towards ensuring the preservation of important historical assets in the towns.
The first stage of the study has already begun, with a review 54 potential heritage sites that have previously been identified as having some heritage significance.
As part of the study, the Romsey Lancefield Historical Society has been asked to contribute its ideas as to how to better preserve the heritage of Lancefield.
Research officer Wendy McDonald said the society believes there aren’t any more buildings that should be added to the Heritage Overlay.
What the society would like the see come from the study, however, is a greater connection between council’s planning department and the Heritage Overlays so that property owners are aware of the history of their building and keep its heritage intact.
“There’s seemingly not an understanding between what has a Heritage Overlay and how the Overlay relates to people who ultimately purchase the building,” Ms McDonald said.
“We would really like to make sure that it’s recognised, that the owners of the buildings recognise that they’ve got a building that has a Heritage Overlay, because I’m quite sure there are some people who may not actually be aware.
“We would like that if you purchase a building that has a heritage overlay, you keep it looking heritage.”
After the initial 54 sites are reviewed, the second stage of the study will involve more detailed research to determine what the heritage elements are, how they contribute to the heritage place, the level of significance of each site and whether a site should haves protection via the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme.
Following the completion of the study, a planning scheme amendment will be sought to apply a Heritage Overlay on properties assessed as being of heritage significance.
The study is part of council’s 2014 Heritage Strategy, which has provided Heritage Overlay protection for 278 sites across the Macedon Ranges Shire.